

Systems - Based Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA):

Research informs us that intensive early intervention is the key to significantly changing developmental trajectories. An important question then is who do we spend the most time with? The answer to this highlights the incredibly important players in our lives, who are often just as expert in us as we are. Ziegler-ABA provides system-based Applied Behavior Analysis that not only supports individuals in their development to be their best selves, but also supports members of their system. Change is a group effort in which we all play a part and from which we all gain.

Sessions are provided in-home, in-school, in the community, or via tele-health.

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Intensive Toilet Training:

Becoming successfully independent in toileting is one of the most liberating adaptive skills we can learn. Through this, we and our loved ones gain the ability to move, explore, and learn in any environment without added stress or worry.

Ziegler-ABA provides both intensive urine and bowel continence training for children and adolescents. All programs are individually designed to meet each client’s specific needs and are implemented intensively to achieve consistent success in the least amount of time. All programs begin with in-depth team planning, followed by training for both the client and their team members in varying environments. With the active participation of all significant team members, programs rarely run longer than two weeks.

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BACB / BCaBA - Supervision:

As a Board Certified Behavior Analysist (BCBA, 1-17-28869), and certified BCBA Supervisor (Meets Supervision Requirements as of: 2018-07-08), I provide tele-supervision to BCBA/BCaBA candidates throughout Europe and beyond, pending individual contract agreement. I also provide in-situ supervision.

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All services can be provided in English, German, or Spanish. Services will soon also be offered in Danish.